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Meet Sanobar Siddiqui

Assistant Professor - Tenure Track (Accounting)

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Learning. Teaching. Sharing.

Sanobar Siddiqui knew from early on that she wanted to pursue a career in teaching and academia. She has been lucky to have been taught and inspired by a number of mentors who have had a meaningful impact on her academic life. As an enthusiastic and devoted Assistant Professor, she strives to pass on her love of learning accounting to her own students by creating a conducive environment of deep learning of accounting topics.

Work in Progress

Research and Publications

Open Book

Systematic Review of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
and its Relationship with Accounting Education Research

Modern Laptop

Threshold Concepts in Financial Accounting & Managerial Accounting

In the Classroom

The Status of the Scholarship of teaching and learning in the Accounting discipline

Open Book

Structured Review of Research-informed Instructional Strategies of CPA Enabling Concept

Modern Laptop

Teaching Effectiveness & SoTL @AACSB Business School


Sanobar Siddiqui teaches and lectures popular courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. She is open to supervising master's and doctoral candidates in several interdisciplinary areas, including sustainability accounting, managerial accounting, cost control, scholarship of teaching and learning, etc.

School LIbrary

Courses Taught

This is a summary of my courses.

  • Introduction to Managerial Accounting (Fall 2021)

  • Management Control (Winter 2019)

  • Language Enrichment for Statistics (Fall 2018)

  • Adjunct for Mathematics (Fall 2018)

  • Managerial Planning & Control (Winter 2014)

  • Learning Assessment III (Fall 2013)

  • Intermediate Accounting II (Winter 2013)

  • Intermediate Accounting I (Winter 2013)

  • Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting (Fall 2012)

  • Fundamentals of Financial Accounting (Winter 2012)

  • Financial Management Principles (Winter 2012)

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©2023 by Sanobar Siddiqui @UofR

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